E - Potions:
%Roll: Potion Type - E:
01-15: Electric Water
16-30: Electricity Protection
31-45: Elixir
46-60: Energy
61-75: Experience-Boost
76-86: Experience-Point
87-00: Explosion
01-05: E.S.P.
06-10: Earthworm (burrow like a worm, but faster).
11-15: Ebony Eyes
16-20: Eerie Voice
21-25: Ego
41-45: Emotion Lock
46-50: Empathy (Understanding)
51-55: Empath (random empath spell - can only be cast once)
61-65: Enmity
66-67: Enslave
68-69: Essence
70-74: Essence of Death
75-76: Essence of Eternity
77-81: Essence of Life
82-85: Ethereal Projection (project your ethereal body out from your corporeal body and travel)
86-90: Ethereal Shield ()
91-95: Evolution (random creature ability evolution)
96: Experience-Point (+10 to +10,000)