Roll on the following chart to know the potion discovered:
%Roll: Letter Bracket:
01-05: A -Potions
06-10: B - Potions
11-15: C - Potions
16-20: D - Potions
21-25: E - Potions
26-30: F - Potions
31-35: G - Potions
36-39: H - Potions
40-43: I - Potions
44-47: J - Potions
48-51: K - Potions
52-55: L - Potions
56-57: M - Potions
58-61: N - Potions
62-65: O - Potions
66-69: P - Potions
70-73: Q - Potions
74-77: R - Potions
78-81: S - Potions
82-85: T - Potions
86-88: U - Potions
89-91: V - Potions
92-93: W - Potions
94-95: X - Potions
96-98: Y - Potions
99-00: Z - Potions