To know this gem’s “Karat-SIZE”, roll on Chart #1
Chart #1
%Roll: Karat-SIZE:
01-30: 1
31-35: 2
36-40: 3
41-45: 4
46-50: 5
51-55: 6
56-60: 7
61-65: 8
66-70: 9
71-75: 10
76-80: 11
81-85: 12
86-90: 13
91-95: 14
96-00: 15 Roll a 71+ and continue rolling on Chart #2 for "Special qualities".
%Roll: Special Qualities:
01-30: Add 1 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
31-45: Add 1-D4+1 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
46-55: Add 1-D6 +2 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
56-65: Add 1-D8 +3 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
66-70: Add 1-D10 +4 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
71-75: Add 1-D12 +5 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
76-80: Add 1-D20 +6 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
81-84: Add 2-D20 +7 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
85-88: Add 3-D20 +8 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
89-91: Add 4-D20 +9 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
92-94: Add 1-D100 +13 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
95-96: Add 1-D100 x2 +13 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
97-98: Add 1-D100 x3 +13 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
99: Add 1-D100 x4 +13 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
00: Add 1-D100 x5 +13 karat to current karat-size of the gem.
Roll on Chart #3 to know the value of this gem:
Chart #3
%Roll: Sapphire value:
01-30: 10 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
31-50: 20 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
51-65: 30 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
66-77: 40 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
78-87: 50 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
88-94: 60 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
95-98: 70 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.
99-00: 80 W.G. x the karat of the Sapphire.