Gems, Common:

Roll on the following chart to discover the gem(s) found. A roll of 99+ will indicate Special Gem(s) found:


%Roll: Gem types:
01-21:   Amethyst
22-36:   Diamond
37-48:   Emerald
49-62:   Jade
63-72:   Pearl
73-77:   Ruby
78-98:   Sapphire
99-00:   Special (as rare as this is, at times a Special Gem will be found among common gems)


General notes:
1. Pearl is not a gem, but will be added to this chart.
2. The actual shape of a cut gem will be strictly up to the G.M.
3. There will be a chart in each gem section to determine if gems found may be cut and crafted, or raw and untouched.


4. ONLY a gem that is harder than another can cut another gem. There are no exceptions. 1 is the softest and 10 is the hardest.