Concerning the Values of weapons:
All values are considered as if a weapon is constructed of simple materials (Gage-steel, Pine-wood, Light-leather). Weapons constructed of more durable materials will increase the value (which will be to the discretion of the G.M.).
Weapons List:
Axe, Battle: --------------------------------- (Axes, Random determination of:)
* Large
* Small
Ball and Chain: ----------------------------- (Ball and Chain, Random determination of:)
* Blunt
* Spiked
* Studded
* Ballast & Ballast Bolts -------------------- (Ballast, Random determination of:)
Battering Ram: ------------------------------ (Battering Ram, Random determination of:)
* 5'
* 10'
* 15'
* 20'
* 35'
* 40'
Blowpipe: ----------------------------------- (Blowpipe, Random determination of:)
* 12"
* 24"
* 36"
Bow & Arrows: ----------------------------- (Bow, Random determination of:)
* Long
* Recurve
* Short
Bullet: --------------------------------------- (Bullet, Random determination of:)
* Lead
* Rock
* Steel
Catipult: ------------------------------------ (Catipult, Random determination of:)
Chain, War: -------------------------------- (Chain, War, Random determination of:)
* 10'
* 15'
* 20'
Club: ---------------------------------------- (Club, Random determination of:)
* Large
* Small
* Large
* Small
* Crossbow & Crossbow Bolts --------------- (Crossbow, Random determination of:)
Dagger: ------------------------------------- (Dagger, Random determination of:)
* Common
* Tonto
Dart, Throwing: ---------------------------- (Dart, Random determination of:)
Elbow-Blade -------------------------------- (Elbow-Blade, Random determination of:)
Elbow-Spike -------------------------------- (Elbow-Spike, Random determination of:)
Finger-Blades ------------------------------ (Finger-Blades, Random determination of:)
Finger-Spikes ------------------------------ (Finger-Spikes, Random determination of:)
Fist-Blades --------------------------------- (Fist-Blades, Random determination of:)
Fist-Spikes --------------------------------- (Fist-Spikes, Random determination of:)
Flail ----------------------------------------- (Flail, Random determination of:)
Foot-Blade --------------------------------- (Foot-Blade, Random determination of:)
Foot-Spike --------------------------------- (Foot-Spike, Random determination of:)
Glaive -------------------------------------- (Glaive, Random determination of:)
Halbard ------------------------------------- (Halbard, Random determination of:)
Hammer, Battle: --------------------------- (Hammer, Battle, Random determination of:)
Hatchet ------------------------------------- (Hatchet, Random determination of:)
Javelin: ------------------------------------- (Javelin, Random determination of:)
Knee-Blade --------------------------------- (Knee-Blade, Random determination of:)
Knee-Spike --------------------------------- (Knee-Spike, Random determination of:)
Knife ---------------------------------------- (Knife, Random determination of:)
Kubaton ------------------------------------- (Kubaton, Random determination of:)
Lance: --------------------------------------- (Lance, Random determination of:)
Mace: --------------------------------------- (Mace, Random determination of:)
Morning Star: ------------------------------ (Morning Star, Random determination of:)
Nuchaku: ---------------------------------- (Nunchaku, Random determination of:)
Pendulum & Chain ------------------------- (Pendulum & Chain, Random determination of:)
Pistol-Crossbow & Pistol-Crossbow Darts (Pistol-Crossbow, Random determination of:)
Scythe -------------------------------------- (Scythe, Random determination of:)
Shuriken: ---------------------------------- (Shuriken, Random determination of:)
Sickle --------------------------------------- (Sickle, Random determination of:)
Sling ---------------------------------------- (Sling, Random determination of:)
Spear: -------------------------------------- (Spear, Random determination of:)
Staves: ------------------------------------- (Staves, Random determination of:)
Swords: ------------------------------------ (Swords, Random determination of:)
Tonfa-------------------------------------- (Tonfa, Random determination of:)
Tri-Hand-Blades ------------------------- (Tri-Hand-Blades, Random determination of:)
Trident ------------------------------------ (Trident, Random determination of:)
Warpick ---------------------------------- (Warpick, Random determination of:)
Whip -------------------------------------- (Whip, Random determination of:)
Wrist-Blade ------------------------------ (Wrist-Blade, Random determination of:)