Species: Night`Shade. Breed/Type: Single breed creature. Class: Fiend. Align: Evil.
Gender: N/A.
Level: 6+ 1-D30 (if 32nd+ level, see "Notes" #2.
Damage-Points: 3-D8 x level.
Number encountered: 1.
Experience-Points: 100 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 25, Sense of Smell: 20, Sixth Sense: 5, Taste: 25, Touch: 30, Vision: 18, Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 4, Constitution: 30, Coordination: 35, Dexterity: 35, Intelligence: 4, Mental-Strength: 34 (+1 per level), Strength: 60, Wisdom: 4.
Flying: Can't. Grounded: 16. Swimming: 1 (this creature thrashes in water, and is a terrible swimmer -- yet it does move at 1 space per turn while in water).
10 points x its level.
As the Minotaur, this creature does not lose its next turn for using Luck.
Regenerates 1-D4 Luck per 5 levels advanced PER TURN.
Oxygen-Points: Does not need oxygen to live.
Blood-Points: Does not need blood-points to live.
Attack descriptions: Range: Damage:
Bite ----------- : 1 2 spaces (10'). 1-D10 (+1-D10 per level advanced).
Claws --------- : 2 2 spaces (10'). 1-D10 (+1-D10 per level advanced).
Attack type - : Sharp.
Special ------- : RIP: There will be a 5% chance per turn that the
Night`Shade will gain 1-D4 additional claws.
Defense: 30 (60 if level 32+). Offense: 30 (60 if level 32+).
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
35+ to have 1-D4 +1 treasure checks.
Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.
Check each creature for treasure. Treasure will have a 70% chance of being in the lair (check this for each Night`Shade encountered).
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: Eye color: See: "Note". Eye shape: Medium-sized and sharply slanted. Height: 10' 0". Posture: Quadruped. Fur color: Black (constantly shedding black shadow. Fur texture: Stiff and course (its fur appears to be dark shedding strands. Weight: 360 Lbs.
Dislikes ----- : Race types (all of them). This creature has an instinctual, intense, sense rage and dislike for the races of mankind (meaning all races). It will hunt and torture race type with fear and dread, playing with them like a cat playing with a mouse. Once it gets bored with plaguing a race type, it will devour it (See: "Special abilities").
Disposition - : Intense curiosity, mixed with eternal rage, yearning for the hunt. "See: "Note".
Fears -------- : None.
Habitat ------ : Dark Forest.
Life-span --- : Undying (though this creature can be destroyed).
Likes -------- : Causing fear in others during the hunt. See: Fear-Regeneration in "Special Abilities".
Needs ------- : Unknown.
Notes -------- : Note #1: Night`Shade are fascinated by Lykkinnin (werecats, werewolves, Etc.), yet only understanding what their race is like a curious dog that encounters another dog.
There will be a 90% chance of Night`Shade stalking Lykkinnin; watching and studying them in fascination (but only if the Lykkinnin is shifted into its natural from).
When in Lykkinnin form, one can communicate with Night`Shade. The communication of the Night`Shade is basic and simple. This does not mean Lykkinnin can establish peace with this creature. This will be to the discretion of the Game Master during role-play.
Note #2: Metamorphosis: Level 1-30 Night`Shade will have 2 random abilities from the list below. Level 31 Night`Shade will have 3 random abilities from the list below. Level 32-35 Night`Shade will have 5 random abilities from the list below. Level 36 Night`Shade will have all the abilities from the list below.
%Roll: Night`Shade Metamorphos:
01-10: Creep
11-20: Dark-Shift
21-30: Eyes of Morath
31-40: False Hope
41-50: Glimmer
51-60: Intimidation
61-70: Jaws of Night`Shade
71-80: Shadow-Meld
81-90: Temptation
91-00: Trepidation
Special Abilities:
Fear-Regeneration: While terrorizing another, , or when any creature is attempting to flee from it, this creature will heal at 1-D10 damage per turn.
Night-Vision: As the Psychic spell.
Sleepless: This creature does not sleep.
Tracking: As the Forest-Knight ability.
Special Defenses:
Special Offenses:
Night`Shade Insanity: When this creature is first encountered, all must make an avoidance-roll vs. "Mental-Attack" or have a 3 in 6 chance at the beginning of each turn to see the Night`Shade where is actually is not. Until this avoidance-roll is successful, this will continue (check for this every turn).
Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: None.
Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-1 (or better) magic weapon to harm.
Note: Non-magical weapons will still do 50% normal damage.