Spiritual Attack - : Immune to abilities, powers and spells of a spiritual, ethereal nature.
Breath ------------- : This creature does not oxygen to live.
Consciousness -- : Does not sleep cannot be knocked out by physical attacks.
Disease ----------- : No effect.
Fear ---------------- : No effect.
Pain ---------------- : Does not feel pain.
Poison ------------- : All but Shalsa and Toxin (which have a 50% effect only).
Shock -------------- : Does not feel the effects of shock trauma brought on by damage.
Sickness ---------- : No effect.
Sleep --------------- : No effect (this creature does not sleep).
Stun ---------------- : By simple physical trauma, but can by extra-ordinary physical trauma. Magic and Enchantment stuns also work on this creature, yet only for 1/2 the duration (if its "Resistance" does not protect it).