Enchanted Nunchakas: Tracer
Tracer Nunchakas have misty, ghost-like runes etched into the surface of the wood.
When the command word, "Shaetah" (Mirellian Elf for: Trace), is uttered three ghost-like nunchakas will phase into being and follow the stroke of the blade, striking 3 more times hammering down upon a target on a successful strike.
If a maximum strike occurs (+40 offensive roll over the defender's roll), and if the wielder of the Tracer Nunchakas strength is equal to or greater than his or her opponent’s, the targeted must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. “Strength”, or lose the next offensive turn.
Damage: As the normal damage of nunchakas (+ 1-D8 per rank) Each tracer will have the rank bonus on damage as well, creating a powerful weapon. The damage for each tracer must be rolled separately.
History: Unknown.
Immunities: None.
Notes: None.
Susceptibilities: None.
Value: 8 White-gold.