Enchanted Mace: Legionnaire's    

The Legionnaire Mace is etched deeply with red runes.


This mace will have a 1 in 6 chance of enabling the wielder to have +1 attack per turn when attacking.


Roll on the following chart to determine the "Mace type":

%Roll: Mace type:

01-33:   Blunt

34-66:   Spiked

67-00:   Studded



There is a 10% chance this will be Greater Legionnaire's Mace, giving the wielder the same chance as listed above, yet also a choice to expend 20 Ability-Points in order to have +1 attack in the same turn.


This added attack is considered as an "Instant Action", and can be used before or after the wielder has rolled for his or her normal attack (if the wielder has enough Ability-Points).


Value: 74 White-Gold.



Damage: As the normal damage of the mace (+1-D8 per rank). See: "Special".

History: None.

Immunities: None.

Notes: None.

Value: 37 White-gold.

Special: When a Warrior wields this weapon, he or she will cause x2 damage.

Susceptibilities: None.