Enchanted Lance: Banishing
The Banishing Lance has dark-black, writhing runes etched into the surface of the wood.
Upon being struck in the flesh, a foe must make a successful avoidance-roll Vs. “Faith” or be banished, trapped to where it is banished for 100 years. Roll a random region to where the creature will be sent to. (it will not be the same region the creature is banished from).
There will be a 10% chance of this kubaton being a Greater Banishing Lance, thus effecting not only the creature struck, but all adjacent creatures to the target struck. The Greater Banishing Lance does not have to strike flesh to banish. Value: 360 White-Gold.
%Roll: Length:
01-20: 8' lance
21-40: 10' lance
41-60: 12' lance
61-80: 14' lance
81-00: 16' lance
%Roll: Lance Sections:
01-60: 1 (Lance is one section only).
61-90: 2 (Lance divides into two equal sections for easy packing).
91-00: 3 (Lance divides into three equal sections for easy packing).
Avoidance-Roll: Yes: Vs. “Faith” (but targeted must be struck in the flesh if damaged by a normal Banishing Lance).
Damage: As the damage of the lance wielded (+1-D8 damage per rank).
History: Unknown.
Immunities: Animated, Gaseous, Intangible creatures are not effected by the power of this weapon.
Invoke Time: Instant.
Preparation: Wielder must be mounted upon a war-trained steed for this enchantment to work.
Susceptibilities: None.
Usable: 100 Ability-Points to invoke.
Value: 40 White-Gold.