Potion: Xenon
When imbibed, this potion will change the structure of the drinker to a gas (and that which he or she carries, like armor, backpack, etc.(not another person or ). While in gas form, the effected can seep through cracks, pass under doors, Etc.
Area of Effect: Imbiber only.
Avoidance-Roll: None.
Damage: None.
Doses: 1-D6.
Duration: 5-D6 turns.
Effect Time: 1 turn (5 seconds).
Hand Movement: None.
Healing: None.
History: Unknown.
Immunities: Animated, Gaseous, and Mind creatures cannot use this potion.
Invoke time: None.
Maximum Adjustment: None.
Notes: None.
Potion Attributes:
Color ---- : Yellow.
Smell ---- : Like fog.
Taste ---- : Like fog.
Texture - : x3 thinner than water.
Preparation: Drink 1 dose.
Range: Imbiber only.
Resting Time: None.
Special: None.
Susceptibilities: None.
Value: 1 White-Gold per dose.