Potion: Xanshin Flesh     

This potion will cause the drinker's damage-points to double. Whatever damage-point increase he or she will gain from then on will always be at x2 forever (but this potion can never effect the imber again).


There is a price to pay for drinking this potion. The cursed part is that imbiber will develop a MINOR, yet chronic, health problem. This health problem will be completely up to the discretion of the Game Master.



Area of Effect: Imbiber only.

Avoidance-Roll: None.

Damage: None.

Doses: 1.

Duration: Permanent.

Effect Time: 1 turn (5 seconds).

Hand Movement: None.

Healing: None.

History: Unknown.

Immunities: Animated, Gaseous, and Mind creatures cannot use this potion.

Invoke time: None.

Maximum Adjustment: None.

Notes: None.


Potion Attributes:

Color ---- : Gray.

Smell ---- : Like skunk water.

Taste ---- : Like skunk water.

Texture - : Like water.


Preparation: Drink it.

Range: Imbiber only.

Resting Time: None.

Special: None.

Susceptibilities: None.

Value: 25 White-Gold.