Potion: X
When this very powerful potion is imbibed, the drinker will point at the creature that he or she wishes to slay and pit his or her mental-strength against that creature. If the drinker of the potion wins, the creature will die.
See: "Damage".
Area of Effect: One creature of the imbiber's choice.
Avoidance-Roll: Yes: Pit Mental-strength vs. the Mental-strength of your opponent (single roll).
Damage: Death. Even if a creature resists the death magic of this potion's power, it will still be struck for 2-D10 +2 x the drinker's level and must make a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Stun" or forfeit the next 1-D4 offensive turns and be at ½ movement (rounded down).
Doses: 1.
Duration: Permanent.
Effect Time: 1 turn (5 seconds).
Hand Movement: Point at the creature you wish to effect.
Healing: None.
History: Unknown.
Immunities: Animated, Gaseous, and Mind creatures cannot use this potion.
Invoke time: None.
Maximum Adjustment: None.
Notes: This is a vile tasting potion.
Potion Attributes:
Color ---- : White, like the appearance of brilliant lightning flashing in a darkened sky.
Smell ---- : Like burning sulphur.
Taste ---- : Like water.
Texture - : Like water.
Preparation: Drink it.
Range: 10 spaces (50').
Resting Time: None.
Special: None.
Susceptibilities: None.
Value: 3 Yellow-Gold.