Potion: Dreamscape    

When a dose of this potion is imbibed, one will be taken to his or her favorite place (a dream), vanishing for the "Duration".



Area of Effect: Imbiber only.

Avoidance-Roll: Yes: Versus "Enchantment", but only for the unwilling imbiber.

Damage: None.

Doses: 1-D6.

Duration: 3-D20 + 12 hours. See: "Susceptibilities".

Effect Time: 1 turn (5 seconds).

Hand Movement: None.

Healing: None.

History: Unknown.

Immunities: This potion can only effect creatures with blood flowing through their veins.

Invoke time: N/A.

Maximum Adjustment: None.

Notes: None.


Potion Attributes:

Color ---- : Golden-yellow.
Smell ---- : Honey.
Taste ---- : Honey.
Texture - : x2 the thickness of water.


Preparation: None.

Range: Imbiber only.

Resting Time: None.

Special: None.

Susceptibilities: If more than one dose is imbibed, the drinker will become dream-locked, meaning he or she will be taken into Dreamscape for a long period of time (Game Master's discretion). By drinking 3+ doses, the drinker will become Dreamlocked forever, and his or her body will fade away to become a haunt within his or her own dreams -- dreams which will never give the full pleasure of actually being there.


Value: 75 Silver per dose.