Potion: Disguise    

When this potion is imbibed, you will be cloaked in the illusion of another. You must choose a
humanoid in appearance and must be within 100 Lbs. your weight. You cannot be less than half your height and bulk, nor more than x2 your height and weight. If you choose anything more or less that this, the dose of the Disguise Potion will be wasted.



Area of Effect: Imbiber only.

Avoidance-Roll: None.

Damage: None.

Doses: 1-D6.

Duration: 24 hours. One can drink multiple doses in order to increase the duration.

Effect Time: 3 turns (15 seconds).

Hand Movement: None.

Healing: None.

History: Unknown.

Immunities: Only Animal, Enchanted and Monster class creatures can use this potion.

Invoke time: None.

Maximum Adjustment: None.

Notes:If a disguise is created, and then a dose of this potion is imbibed, spells and abilities to see through illusion will have a 50% chance of not detecting the imbiber.


Potion Attributes:

Color ---- : Transparent, with a tinge of the color yellow.
Smell ---- : Like a forest of trees after a rainstorm.
Taste ---- : Like fresh fallen rain.
Texture - : Like water.


Preparation: None. See: “Notes”.

Range: Imbiber only.

Resting Time: None.

Special: None.

Susceptibilities: None.

Value: 40 Electrum per dose.