Potion: Damage-Point    

The one who drinks this potion will permanently gain up to a certain amount of damage-points (D.P.) to all areas of the body based on the power of the potion.


Roll on the following table to see how powerful this potion will be:


%Roll: Added Damage-Points:
01-46:   +5
47-56:   +10
57-65:   +15
66-73:   +20
74-80:   +25
81-86:   +30
87-91:   +35
92-95:   +40
96-98:   +45
99-00:   +50


There will be a 10% chance of this being a Greater Damage-Point potion. If this is the case, aded damage-points will be at x2.



Area of Effect: Imbiber only.

Avoidance-Roll: None.

Damage: None.

Doses: 1.

Duration: Permanent.

Effect Time: 10 turns (50 seconds).

Hand Movement: None.

Healing: None.

History: Unknown.

Immunities: Only physical creatures that eat and drink to live are effected by the power of this potion.


Invoke time: None.

Maximum Adjustment: None.

Notes: None.


Potion Attributes:

Color ---- : Clear-gray liquid.
Smell ---- : Like the ocean.
Taste ---- : As the morning mist on an ocean waterfront with a hint of salt.
Texture - : Sticky, grayish liquid (this liquid is see through).


Preparation: Drink it.

Range: Imbiber only.

Resting Time: None.

Special: None.

Susceptibilities: None.

Value: 7 Electrum per damage-point.