Animation Key
When one holds this key to the back of the head, neck, or the back of a statue, a keyhole will form (this statue must have a discernable head, neck or back for this to work). This will allow the key to fit into the statue, exactly as a normal skeleton key fits into an old lock. Once the key is inserted and twisted the statue will animate (in 3 turns (15 seconds), just as a statue animates for an Animationist casting a spell upon it.
There are various powers to these keys. Roll on the following chart to see what size statue this key will effect:
%Roll: Size of Statue this key will effect: Height, width, legth must be considered in the size.
01-73: Small (up to a 5')
74-80: Medium (up to a 10')
81-86: Large (up to a 15')
87-91: Very Large (up to a 20')
92-95: Huge (up to a 25')
96-98: Giant (up to a 30')
99-00: Gargantuan (up to a 60')
- The statue will serve the owner of the key until it is destroyed.
- If the key is removed, it will vanish. Removing the key will remove the animation effect, thus it will cease moving and become a statue as it was before the key was used.
- A lesser key will do nothing when placed to a larger statue, but a greater key can animated any smaller statue.
Game Master: Based on the type of statue animated, you will determine its defense, offense, strength, damage, type of attacks, Etc.
Value: Small --------- : 5 Electrum
Medium ----- : 10 Electrum
Large -------- : 20 Electrum
Very Large - : 40 Electrum
Huge --------- : 80 Electrum
Giant --------- : 1 White-Gold, 60 Electrum
Gargantuan - : 3 White-Gold, 20 Electrum