Phoenix: Pyran (Greater)     

Species: Phoenix. Breed/Type: Pyran (Greater). Class: Fiend. Align: Evil. Gender: N/A


Level: 25 + 1-D6. Damage-Points: 7-D10 x level.

Number encountered: 1

Experience-Points: 320 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 28, Sense of Smell: 5, Sixth Sense: 5, Taste: 17, Touch: 26, Vision: 30,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 18, Constitution: 70, Coordination: 60, Dexterity: 60, Intelligence: 17, Mental-Strength: 60, Strength: 55, Wisdom: 12.



Flying: 30 (See: "Flight-Evasion" in "Special Defenses"). Grounded: 15. Swimming: 6 (in lava. It will not swim in water unless it has no other choice).


Luck: 1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: Does not need oxygen to live.

Blood-Points: Does not need blood to live.



Attack descriptions:    Range:               Damage:                                  Attack type:

     Bite ------------ : 1    2 spaces (10').   1-D12 (+1-D12 per level).       Sharp.


     Claws ---------- : 2    2 spaces (10').   1-D20 (+1-D20 per level).   Sharp.


     Phoenix Fire: See: "Special Offenses".


Defense - : 60

Offense -- : 60


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

11+ for 1-D4 +3 item checks.

Any treasure items found will be in or outside the nest.

Check for treasure on the Rare Chart.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: Dark and smoldering, like embers. Height: 18' 0". Length: 22'-0". Posture: Avian. Feather color: Red-orange. Weight: 450 Lbs. Wing Contour: Feather. Wingspan: 36'-0".


The phoenix appears to be a raptor-like bird of prey with flames ever-burning from its feathers.


Dislikes ----- : Mankind, Water.

Disposition - : Antagonistic and vicious. This creature seeks confrontation.

Fears -------- : Water Dragon.

Habitat ------ : Volcanic Region, though it is found within other regions at times.

Immunities - : Fire, lava, magma (the damage these elements inflict will heal this creature.

Life-span --- : Lesser immortal. This creature is undying, yet can be slain (see: "Susceptibilities").

Likes -------- : Battle.

Needs ------- : Unknown.

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

Infra-Red-Vision: As the Psychic spell.


Special Defenses:

Flight-Evasion: This creature will have a 40% chance of automatically evading a strike against
it while in flight (this does not apply to area of effect attacks). Flight-Evasion does not work while grounded.


Special Offenses:

Phoenix Fire: There is a 30% chance per turn this creature will send out a searing flame that will burn all within the Area of Effect (6 spaces out in all directions in a globular pattern) causing 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 per level advanced. Any creature wearing full steel armor will suffer 1/2 damage on the beginning of the next turn, and then 1/4 damage the turn after.


Susceptibilities: Water will quench this creature's fire for 1-D4 turns, but must cover at least half its body.


Weapon susceptibility: Rank-9 magical weapon to harm. Non-magical weapons will still damage this creature, but only at 10% normal damage (rounded down).