Knight: Pyran (Greater)     

Species: Fiend. Breed/Type: Fiend. Class: Fiend. Align: Evil. Gender: N/A


Level: 20 + 1-D12. Damage-Points: 6-D10 x level.

Number encountered: 1-D8.

Experience-Points: 60 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 25, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 0, Touch: 30, Vision: 30,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description", Speech: 0, Constitution: 60, Coordination: 50, Dexterity: 50, Intelligence: 0, Mental-Strength: 0, Strength: 60, Wisdom: 0.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 14. Swimming: Can't (See: "Susceptibilities").


Luck: None.

Oxygen-Points: None. Does not need oxygen to exist.

Blood-Points: None. Does not need blood to exist.



Fire-Blade --- : 3

Range -------- : 1 space (5').

Attack type - : Sharp (See: "Special").

Special ------- : Searing Blade: Causes additional fire damage of 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level).


Defense: 50. Offense: 50.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

51+ to have 1-D3 treasure check.

Begin rolling on the Rare chart.

Check for each creature to have treasure.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: Fire. Eye shape: As the eyes of an elf, yet half again larger.

Height: 7' 6". Posture: Biped. Skin color: Fire. Skin texture: Fire, though this creature is encased within red-hot lava basalt plate (when slain, its armor crumbles to glowing rubble).

Weight: 450 lbs.


This creature is humanoid in appearance, and appears to be a fiery humanoid wearing red-hot basalt lava plate mail.


Dislikes ----- : All creatures.

Disposition - : As if created for conflict, the Pyran Knight will engage in combat with any creature it detects that is not one of its own.


Fears -------- : Water. Water douses this creatures flame for 3 turns (15 seconds).

Habitat ------ : Volcanic and other regions of fire.

Immunities - : Disease, Fear, Fire, Mental-Attack, Spiritual-Attack, Sickness, Stun.

Life-span --- : Undying (yet it can be destroyed).

Likes -------- : Combat.

Needs ------- : None.

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

Infra-Red-Vision: As the Psychic spell.


Special Defenses:


Damage-Reduction: 10 vs. physical, energy and lightning damage.

Natural basalt plate armoring: Roll needed to stun certain attacks:

Acid -------- : 71+

Blunt ------- : 69+

Cold -------- : Can't

Electricity - : 91+

Fire --------- : Immune

Needle ----- : 44+

Sharp ------- : 72+


Special Resistances:

Enchantment ---- : 15%
Magic ------------- : 30%


Special Offenses:



Susceptibilities and Weaknesses:

The Pyran Knight is vulnerable to the following forms of attack:



Cold-based attacks which inflict at least 30% of its total damage-points will cause:

1. Slowed: 50% chance to slow for 1-D4 turns (-10 Defensive and Offensive rolls).

2. Movement: 50% (rounded up).

3. Searing Blade: Negated.



1. This creature instinctually fears water, and will avoid it 80% of the time (it can walk underwater at 1 space (5') per 3 turns (15 seconds).


2. When drenched in water for more than 50% of its body mass, Searing Blade will be negated for 1-D2 turns (5-10 seconds).


Weapon Susceptibilities: Rank-5 or better (magical) weapon to harm.