Dragon: Electricity (Young)     

Species: Dragon. Breed: Electricity (Young). Class: Reptile (Enchanted). Align: Evil.

Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.


Level: 4+ 1-D6. Damage-Points: 7-D20 +7 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 440 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 25, Sense of Smell: 25, Sixth Sense: 20, Taste: 30, Touch: 25, Vision: 25,

Charisma -: Appearance: Dragon. See: "Description". Speech: 20, Constitution: 35, Coordination: 35, Dexterity: 35, Intelligence: 20, Mental-Strength: 40, Strength: 50, Wisdom: 15.



Flying: 54. Grounded: 18. Swimming: 6. Will avoid water if possible. For each turn submersed in water, this creature will take 2-D20 damage.


Luck: 2-D20 (+1-D6 per level).

Oxygen-Points: 120.

Blood-Points: 105.



Attack descriptions:        Range:               Damage:                                    Attack type:

Bite ------------------- : 1    3 spaces (15').    1-D20 (+1-D20 per level).         Sharp.

Claws ----------------- : 2    3 spaces (15').    1-D12 (+1-D12 per level).         Sharp.

Tail-Strike ---------- : 1     4 spaces (20').    1-D20 (+1-D20 per 3 levels).   Blunt.

Electricity-Breath - : See: "Special Offenses".



     1. Tail-Strike will effect 1-D3 areas of victim's body.

     2. Creatures within all spaces within the "Range" of Tail-Strike can be damaged

         by the dragon, but it must roll to hit each and every creature within Tail-Strike


     3. All forms of attack can be attempted each and every turn (bite, claws and tail-strike), Electricity-Breath included.


Defense: 35. Offense: 35.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

05+ for 3-D6 items.

Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.


Additional treasure checks are as follows:

17% chance of having 1-D3 Artifacts.
97% chance of having 4-D4 random Gems.

100% chance of having Money (Rare). Amount rolled up will be multiplied by 4-D6.

27% chance of having 2-D6 random Special Gems.
12% chance of having 1 Oracle.
12% chance of having 1 Relic.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description:  Eye color: White with vertical cat-like pupils of flaming orange. Eye shape: Large-sized and slanted. Height: 8' 0". Length: 24'-0". Posture: Avian/Quadruped. Scale color: Brilliant sun-yellow. Skin texture: Scaly. Weight: 3,000 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat wing contour, thick and leathery. Wingspan: 48'.


This creature appears to be a sun-yellow winged reptile.


Dislikes ----- : Water. If water covers more than 25% of this dragons scaly hide, it will of itself be shocked, causing the same electricity damage it can cause. It hates water, and loathes the time when it must drink; for it must drink to sustain itself with moisture, all the while risking pain. See: "Movement (Swimming)" above.


The Electricity Dragon hates a coward and will crush any who waver before it.


Disposition - : Even though this dragon has an evil disposition, it respects any creature that has the heart of courage. This dragon hoards treasure greedily, especially gems. If one would gain favor with this dragon, the gift of special gems would be the most successful chance.


Often times, this dragon will be found sleeping upon the heaps of treasure it so highly covets. If encountered in its lair, there will be a 30% chance this dragon will be asleep upon its treasure.


Fears -------- : Water.

Habitat ------ : Mountains. This dragon can also be found in a few other regions.

Immunities - : Electricity, Fear, Pain, Poison (excluding Toxin Poison) and Shock.

Life-span --- : 6 ages (6,000 years).

Likes -------- : Bravery and honor. Above all else, it enjoys treasure.

Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, etc.).


Notes: A Electricity Dragon egg is valued at 125 white-gold. A newly hatched Electricity Dragon is valued at 75 white-gold.


Armor and Shield Crafting: Prerequisite trade-skill(s) to craft this item: Blacksmith and Leather Worker.


If crafted, one can create Electricity Dragon Scale Armor or Shield which will retain 50% of its resistances (rounded up) listed in the "Special Defenses" section.


Crafted Dragon Armor will be considered as Krannik-Steel Scale Armor for stats and adjustments, excluding the special abilities that appear in the "Resistances" within the Special Defenses section. Beneath, and naturally attached to the scales of Dragon Armor, is the Dragon-Hide Leather, which is considered as, of course, Dragon-Hide Leather for stats and adjustments, excluding the special abilities that appear in the "Resistances" within the Special Defenses section.


For each level Electricity Dragon Scale Armor or Shield is master crafted, its resistances will increase by +3, yet not to exceed the maximum resistances of this creature.


The electricity damage-reduction for armor and shield crafted from this dragon's hide will be 50%. As with the other resistances, electricity damage-reduction will increase by +3 each time the armor is master crafted (maximum electricity damage-reduction = 100%).


Special Abilities:

Modification-points: The Electricity Dragon will have a 20% chance of having modification-points as follows: 3-D20 +9 + 2-D6 +1 per 2 levels advanced (exactly as a player character rolls for modification-points each level). These points can be used to learn any spell or ability, but all prerequisites must be met for building this creature encounter. It is best to pre-make this encounter if you wish a true dragon creation.


Night-Vision: As the Psychics spell.


Tracking: This creature can pick up and follow a tracked scent as can the Tracking ability of the Forest-Knight. Once a scent is picked up, it can track it for 1-D2 hours. After the 1-D2 hours has expired, a tracking check must be rolled again to see if it can keep the scent of the trail.


Special Defenses:

Damage-Reduction: 6 vs. physical damage.

Natural thick-scaled hide: Roll needed to turn certain attacks:

Acid -------- : 78+

Blunt ------- : 58+

Cold -------- : Can't

Electricity - : Immune.

Fire --------- : 68+

Needle ----- : 48+

Sharp ------- : 68+


Special Resistances:

Magic ------------- : 35%
Mental-Attack -- : 45%
Spiritual-Attack - : 40%


Special Offenses:

Berserker's Rage: When this creature is wounded it will fly into a Berserker's Rage, gaining a +10 to strike for the remainder of the fight.


Fear Presence: When this dragon is encountered in its wrath, all creatures must successfully make an avoidance-roll vs. "Fear" or suffer the following penalties until a successful avoidance-roll vs."Fear" is rolled (1 chance per 4 turns):


Movement will be at 50% (rounded down).

-20 Defense and Offense.

20% ability failure chance.
20% spell failure chance.


Electricity-Breath: This creature can breath electricity 1 time per 3 turns, and will be fully able to physically attack in the same turn.


                      Damage: 2-D4 x dragon's level in all areas of opponent's body.

                                      If a target is wearing metal armor, it will take a

                                      maximum-strike (best of 3 rolls for damage).


                      Range - : The 2 spaces directly in front of the dragon, then out

                                       12 spaces in a column pattern.


Susceptibilities: Water-based attacks will cause x2 damage as long as it covers 25+ % of the dragon's body.


Weapon susceptibility: Rank-2 (or better) magical weapon to fully harm. Note: Non-magical weapons will still do 50% damage.