Wolf, Pyran (Lesser)     

Species: Wolf. Type: Lesser. Class: Fiend (mammal). Align: Evil. Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.


Level: 11 +1-D20. Damage-Points: 3-D10 x level.

Number encountered: 1-D12 (10% chance to encounter a full pack - 3-D12 +3 encountered).

Experience-Points: 30 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 30, Sense of Smell: 20, Sixth Sense: 5, Taste: 20, Touch: 20, Vision: 30,

Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 18 (Pyran Wolf language (10% chance for each to know basic Human), Constitution: 30, Coordination: 30, Dexterity: 30, Intelligence: 17, Mental-Strength: 30, Strength: 35, Wisdom: 9.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 16. Swimming: 5.


Luck: 0.

Oxygen-Points: N/A (does not need oxygen to live).

Blood-Points: N/A (does not need blood to live).



Bites ---------- : 1

Damage ------ : 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 per level advanced).

Range -------- : 1 space (5').

Attack type - : Sharp.

Special ------- : Fiery Bite: Causes 1-D12 fire damage per bite.


Defense: 30. Offense: 30.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

90+ for 1 treasure check.

Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.

Check for each Pyran Wolf to have treasure (which will be within its fiery lair).



Annihilation Strike?: No. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.


Description:  Eye color: Orange-Red. Eye shape: Large-sized and slanted. Height: 4' 0" at the shoulders. Length: 6'-0". Posture: Quadruped. Fur color: Dark-red. Fur texture: Course. Weight: 280 Lbs.


Dislikes ----- : Water and cold.

Disposition - : Voracious hunters for sport.

Fears -------- : Water. See: "Susceptibilities and Weaknesses".

Habitat ------ : Fiery regions and settings.

Immunities - : Fire.

Life-span --- : Undying (but can be destroyed).

Likes -------- : Hunting.

Needs ------- : Basic necessities of life (food, shelter, Etc. This creature gains its life-sustaining moisture from feeding on fleshy creature).


Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:



Special Defenses:

Fear-Resistance: 40%

Lightning-Resistance: 20%


Special Offenses:



Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Water that covers more than 50% of this creature's body will cause 10% of its damage-points to drop per turn.


If not within a continually hot region, this creature will lose 1 damage-point per 24 hours until it dies. It can survive within a desolate desert region, or within the underworld without losing damage-points (it can exist any place constantly elevated in temperature).


Weapon Susceptibilities: Rank-1 magic weapon to harm.