Ages, Explanation of:    

The following is a time line for all Ages, and is randomized, should the Game Master wish to create a setting point for an adventure, or date a site, an object, Etc.:


%Roll: Age of:

01-02:   Creation --------- : 25,000 years ago.

03-05:   Enlightenment - : 24,000 years ago.

06-09:   Wonder ---------- : 21,000 years ago.

10-14:   Conflict ---------- : 18,000 years ago.

15-20:   War --------------- : 17,000 years ago (the "Thousand Year War").

21-25:   Sorrows ---------- : 16,000 years ago.

26-30:   Darkness -------- : 14,000 years ago.

31-37:   Mercy ------------ : 4,000 years ago.

38-46:   Discovery ------- : 3,000 years ago.

47-56:   Kings ------------- : 2,000 years ago.

57-68:   Secrets ----------- : 1,000 years ago.

69-00:   Trade ------------- : Present day