Trade-Skills (Venomist):
This trade-skill will allow the handling of common snakes in various ways.
Modification-point cost: 12
Prerequisite: Seeker Ability, "Creature Studies" ("Animal Creature Studies" -- you must know each snake you are
attempting to work with).
Your Wisdom will be the % chance to successfully preform the following Venomist skills: Avoid Bite, Catch Snake, Create
Anti-Venom, Identify Venom, Milk Snake, Serpents Apathy.
Example: If you have 30 Wisdom, you will have a starting 30% chance to successfully preform each skill.
Each time a specific Venomist Skill is preformed 3 times, the % chance to successfully preform that specific skill again will increase by +1. You must keep a Venomist Skills list in a log as follows:
Venomist Skills:
Avoid Bite ------------- : 30%
Catch Snake ---------- : 31%
Create Anti-Venom - : 33%
Identify Venom ------ : 47%
Milk Snake ----------- : 48%
Serpents Apathy ----- : 29%
Each time you are successful at any given skill, your chance for success will increase by +1.
Maximum success chance: 98%