Trade-Skills (Spelunking):

The Spelunker is an adept cave explorer. This skill can safely bring one or more people through a cave system more safely.


Note: There is no mastery for this trade-skill.


Prerequisites: Trade-Skill: "Cartography" and “Geological Studies”.


Note: If you also have the Trade-skills, "Miner" and "Stone Mason" at a 60%+ proficiency in all areas, you will start out with x2 the normal chance at Spelunking (yet never exceeding the maximum chance).

Modification-point cost: 6
Training Time: 24 weeks (168 days). This will be hands-on training, meaning you will be underground for the duration of the training.


Training note: This is an averaged time to complete the full training for Spelunking. However, the training time can vary according to the student's Strength as follows:


For every point of Strength above 28, the training time will be reduced by two days (minimum 84
days to train).


For every point of Strength below 18, the training time will be increased by one day.

Training Cost: 12 white-gold per day of training + the cost of all equipment.

Example: If you have a 30 Strength, you will have a starting 30% chance to succeed at each challenging obstacle you encounter.


For every 5 times a challenging obstacle is successfully overcome, the % chance to succeed against the next challenge will increase by +1.


Example: If you have a 30 Strength, and successfully overcome 5 challenges, whatever they may be (repelling safely into a shaft, traversing a narrow ledge, getting safely across a chasm, safely swim through an underwater tunnel, etc.), you will gain +1 added to your current 30% chance the next time you attempt another obstacle challenge (you would then have a 31% chance). If you successfully overcame 5 more obstacle challenges, your skill would increase from 31% chance to 32%.


Note: Even though one can achieve a 96% success chance, this is based upon cave conditions. In other words, this 96% chance could be adjusted with each obstacle challenge in the environment.


A Spelunker can safely guide others safely through a cave system by doing a check first for him or herself, and then for each person being guided. If others being guided will listen to instructions calmly, success checks will be the same as the Spelunker's. There will be adjustments to each check to overcome each an every obstacle challenge as follows:


State of mind:
Nervous ---------- : -1

Scared ------------ : -2

Terrified --------- : -4

Panicked --------- : -8

Anxiety attack - : -16


Maximum success chance: 96% An avoidance-roll vs. "Awareness" will give you the distinct impression that a certain course of action could end up in disaster (thus another method of overcoming an obstacle challenge should attempted, or this route be abandon).