Trade-Skills (Scholar):
Modification-point cost: 7
The Scholar is adept at reading, learning, memorizing and reporting on passages of script, whether it be a book, a
scroll, runes, or engravings. This skill does not include magical studies unless the scholar follows that specific path
of magic.
The following are all the facets to the studies of the Scholar:
Scholar Studies --- : Comprehension (understanding new material).
Hands on Report - : Applying what is learned in text or verbal instructions.
Memorization ----- : Remembering what is read or taught.
Oral Report -------- : Presenting material to a group verbally.
Reading ------------- : Following the script of a writing document.
Writing -------------- : Creating script in a logical order and meaning.
Written Report ---- : Presenting material to a group in writing.
Keep a list of the different types of studies (like the ones listed above).
Each time you are successful at any study, your skill will increase by +1%.