Trade-Skills (Hunter):

This trade-skill will enable one to read the signs (not track) for a specific creature.


The time it will take to actually find a creature will be given in a random determination chart towards the end of this trade-skill's explanation. A success check will be rolled for based on the information in that chart.


Note: There is no mastery for this trade-skill.

Prerequisite: Awareness (Vsion): 20
Modification-point cost: 16
Training Cost: 2 white-gold.
Your Awareness (Vsion) will be the % chance to successfully find signs of the creature you are looking for, leading you closer to it with every successful check.



If you have a 30 Awareness, you will have a starting 30% chance to find signs of the creature you seek. For each creature successfully located. The % chance to successfully locate the exact same creature again will increase by +1 per day of seeking it, but you must succeed the % roll chance. If not, the chance will decline by 1 when you fail.


Remember: If you locate a creature, ONLY your skill in locating the same creature again will increase by +1. You must keep a list of all the creatures you have hunted down (and made visual contact with) and keep them in a log like this:


Basilisk ------- : 34%
Bear ----------- : 45%
Cat (Forest) - : 67%
Dragon (Fire) : 32%
Manitis ------- : 88%


Each time you are successful in locating the creature you desire to hunt and find, you would add +1 to the % chance for success the next time you attempt the same. See the following chart for the time it will take to actually find the creature you are seeking:


%Roll: # of checks to possibly locate the creature being sought after on this hunt:
01-97: 1
98-99: 2
   00:   3


Now roll on the next chart:


%Roll: Time between each check for this hunt:
01-50: 1-D12 +1 days.
51-80: 1-D8 +1 days.
81-00: 1-D4 +1 days.


Maximum success chance: 80% The Hunter will always have two chances to succeed if he or she has been trained in the class of Forest-Knight.