Trade-Skills (Herbalist):
This trade-skill will enable one to locate, identify, grow and apply the practical application of herbs.
Your Wisdom will be the % chance to successfully locate, identify, use or grow an herb.
Example: If you have a 30 Wisdom, you will have a starting 30% chance to locate,
identify, use or grow an herb. For each successfully located, identified,
used or grown herb, the % chance to successfully to the same again
will increase by +1.
Remember: If you locate an herb, ONLY your skill in locating the
same herb again will increase by +1. You must keep
a list of all the herbs you wish to study and then keep
the four categories on each and every herb in a log.
I would do it like this:
Apply --- : 57%
Grow ---- : 31%
Identify - : 45%
Locate -- : 70%
Apply --- : 45%
Grow ---- : 79%
Identify - : 67%
Locate -- : 36%
Apply --- : 61%
Grow ---- : 40%
Identify - : 67%
Locate -- : 48%
Each time I am successful in any of the four areas with these herbs, I would add
+1 to the % chance for success the next time I attempt the same.
As you can see, Herbalist is a long and painstaking study, but well worth it. Your
growing knowledge of herbs will make you a valuable asset to others.
Complimentary Trade-Skills: Farmer ----- : +1 to your initial Wisdom score.
Survivalist - : +1 to your initial Wisdom score.
Minimum Wisdom to be an Herbalist: 15.
Modification-point cost: 10
Note: There is no mastery for this trade-skill.
Prerequisite: 15 Wisdom.
Training Cost: 25 Electrum.
Maximum success chance: 99% The herbalist will always have two chances to succeed (with the exception of growing an herb)