Trade-Skills: Entertainer (Dancing)

Perform a dance onlookers, using the physical body.
This is a performed entertainment, accomplished by the entertainer.
Only an Entertainer who has studied and passed the test of Dancing can successfully perform Dancing.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Modification-point cost: 1
Training Time: 48 weeks (336 days).
Training note: This is an averaged time to complete the full training course for Dancing. However, the training time can vary according to the student's added "Physical Prowess" (coordination + dexterity ÷ 2 (rounded up).


For every point of Physical Prowess above 24, the training time will be reduced by two days
(minimum 118 days to train).


For every point of Physical Prowess below 18, the training time will be increased by two days.
Training Cost: 12 white-gold per day of training.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your Physical Prowess will be the % chance to successfully perform Dancing. Example: If you have a 30 Physical Prowess, you will have a starting 30% chance to succeed at performing Dancing.


For each successful show, during which you use Dancing a minimum of 3 times, the % chance to perform again successfully will increase by +1.


If you have a 30 Physical Prowess, and successfully perform Dancing, you will gain +1 added to your current 30% chance the next time you attempt Dancing (you would have a 31% chance). If, once again, you performed Dancing three times successfully during a full performance, your skill in Dancing would increase from 31% chance to 32%.


Maximum success chance: 99%


Once you reach the "Maximum success chance" (99%), you can then add in a daring touch to your performance in an attempt to "Master Dance", pleasing onlookers. If you fail to Master Dance, a successful Dancing check will cover up the mistake, and you will hide the mistake from a crowd. However, if you fail the Dancing check, onlookers will notice with a successful avoidance-roll vs. "Awareness" (each onlooker must avoid).


Performing Master Dancing is a possible way to double tips and payment you receive for your services.


You will start out with a 25% chance to perform Master Dancing. For each successful show, during which you use Master Dancing a minimum of 3 times, the % chance to perform Master Dancing again successfully will increase by +1.


If you have a 25% chance to perform Master Dance, and do so successfully, you will gain +1 added to your current 25% chance to perform Master Dance the next time it is attempted (you would have a 26% chance). If you performed Master Dance successfully again, your skill in Master Dance would increase from 26% to 27% chance.


Once you reach a 99% chance to perform a Master Dance, you will have obtained full 1st Mastery. You will then start over with a 25% chance to perform 2nd Master Dance, which means during an act, you must first perform a 1st Master Dance, and then follow a successful check to increase the beauty of your movement with another roll (2nd Master Dance). If successful three times during a dance, you will again gain +1 to your 2nd Master Dance performance checks. When you reach 99% chance to perform 2nd Master Dance, you can then begin working on your 3rd Mastery, starting out at 25%, in which you can attempt to perform Master Dance on a successfully 2nd Master Dance performed. You can continue to increase your Mastery levels as high as you like (there is no limit to perfoming Master Dance).


Remember: Each time you successfully perfom Master Dance, the possible intake of payment will increase, which can create quite a valuable profession and reputation for your skill.


Master Dance maximum success chance: 99% will be the best chance to perform Master Dance within all Mastery levels.