Trade-Skills (Baker):

This trade-skill will enable one to make many varieties of bread-based foods and pastries.

Only a Baker who has studied and passed the test of the Baker can successfully bake a desired result. The initial value of a baked food item will be strictly up to the discretion of the G.M.



Modification-point cost: 2


Your AWARENESS will be the % chance to successfully bake a food item. Example: If you have a 30 Awareness, you will have a starting 30% chance to succeed at baking.


For each successfully baked item you create, the % chance to successfully create another of the same recipe will increase by +1.



If you have a 30 Awareness, and successfully bake an item, you will gain +1 added to your current 30% chance the next time you attempt to bake the same item again (you would have a 31% chance). If you created another successfully, your skill would increase from 31% chance to 32%.


Maximum success chance: 99%


Once you reach the "Maximum success chance" (99%), you can then add another ingredient into a recipe in an attempt to "Master Bake" it. You can even add another ingredient to an already baked food item to enhance the taste . . . even the food item's appearance.


To Master Bake is a way to double the value of an already existing food item. If you fail to Master Bake a food item, it will be ruined (it may yet be tasty, but will not be what you wanted), and you will have to start over from scratch. If you are successful, it will double in value and in desirable taste.


You will start out with a 25% chance to Master Bake a food item. For each successful food item you Master Bake, your % chance to Master Bake will increase by +1.


If you have a 25% chance to Master Bake a food item, and successfully Master Bake it, you will gain +1 added to your current 25% chance to Master Bake the next time you attempt to Master Bake (you would have a 26% chance). If you Master Bake a food successfully, your skill would increase from 26% to 27% chance.


Once you reach a 99% chance to Master Bake, you will have obtained full 1st Mastery. You will then start over with a 25% chance to 2nd Master Bake a food item. If successful, you will again gain +1 to your 2nd Master Bake skill to prepare or enhance a food item you have just succeeded with a 1st Master Bake. When you reach 99% chance to 2nd Master Bake, you can then begin working on your 3rd Mastery, starting out at 25%, in which you can attempt to Master Bake a 2nd Master Baked food. You can continue to increase your Mastery levels as high as you like (there is
no limit to Master Bake).


Remember, each time you successfully Master Bake the same food item, its value will double, which can create quite a valuable food.


Master Bake maximum success chance: 99% will be the best chance to Master Bake a food item within all Mastery levels.